“Turtle Island Skywatchers – Stories of Us”, Mixed Media Painting, ©Annette S. Lee, Summer 2021, All Rights Reserved


This project, “Turtle Island Skywatchers-Stories of Us”, shares stories about our Indigenous relationship to sky and earth. For so long we have heard only one story, and that is the Western European/Euro-American story. This has been presented as ‘mainstream’. Now because of major social events like covid and Black Lives Matter we have shifted. We have seen more clearly the inequities … we must reset and re-examine our society. Here is where ART is critical. Through art practices and digital storytelling we create products of aesthetic beauty and vibrancy but that also have a clear voice, our Indigenous voice.

Upcoming event:

Biboon, Waniyetu, Winter Solstice Gathering (online) Dec. 21, 2022, TBA… Join us for a live presentation!

Dagwaagin, Ptanyetu, Fall Equinox SEPT. 22, 2022

“Pilmayaye, Miigwech, Thank you, Summer – Sage Plant Medicine – Family Lineup”, Physical to Digital Art, ©Annette S. Lee, Aug. 2022

This series of pencil rubbings to digital art started with an important relationship. Plant medicine is a key lifeline. The artwork shown here portrays the ‘helping hands’ of Sage Medicine. This is place-based, experiential art.

“Pilmayaye, Miigwech, Thank you, Summer – Sage Plant Medicine – Family Lineup”, Pencil on paper, ©Annette S. Lee, Aug. 2022

Niibin, Bd(l)oketu, SUMMER SOLSTICE – JUNE 19, 2022

“Ancient Ones’ Journey”, 3D Animation, by Annette S. Lee (3:00), Summer 2022

This 3D Animation was made in relation to this painting entitled, “Birth Memory – Ocean Medicine” (Annette S. Lee, Aug. 2020).

“Birth Memory – Ocean Medicine. Carried in by Ancient Ones: Venus, Sun & Saturn, Moon & Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars”, Mixed Media Painting, ©Annette S. Lee, 2020

These are the Animation style frames (above). They reveal another layer of the story shared in the painting and the 3D animation.

This work is about Memory, Birth, Star Medicine, and Ocean Medicine.

Ziigwan, Wetu, SPRING EQUINOX – MARCH 20, 2022

Our Moon – Spring”, by Annette S. Lee, Cinematic Short (2:02), Spring 2022

I believe the best we can do is participate. Be present in the moment, in the cosmic flow. This video has elements of the flow of spring, i.e. what it means to participate in the cosmic flow of spring – earth and sky.

Look for the Moon, the turtle, the flow of time, the heartbeat, the drum…. the Pipe Ceremony in the Stars (D/Lakota), Cansasa-Red Willow constellation, the Spring Panther (Ojibwe), snow changing to rain, birds return, Ojiig-Fisher constellation (Ojibwe Big Dipper)… the plants, the dirt, the seedlings, and the spring flowers… don’f forget the Wakinyans-Thunderbeings of Spring.

… “participation with nature” is the view from which Native science has evolved …the dynamics of participation are founded on an ancient human covenant with plants, animals, the forces of the earth, and the universe. It is the depth of our ancient human participation with nature that has been lost and indeed must be regained in some substantial form in modern life and modern science. The cosmological and philosophical must once again become “rooted” in a life-centered, lived experience of the natural world”

“Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence”, G. Cajete, 2000

D(L)akota Spring Night Sky, by Annette S. Lee:

This is a Native Skywatchers Art grant. Led by Annette S. Lee in collaboration with artists Jeffrey Tibbetts, Carl Gawboy, Ramona Kitto Stately, and Nancy Nair.

Public Statement: “Turtle Island Skywatchers-Stories of Us” supports MN Indigenous artists to produce and present culture-based, art infused stories of relationship to earth and sky. Presented in four seasonal livestream events including one live dance performance.

Timeline: May 1, 2022 to April 31, 2023.

Native Skywatchers – Annette S. Lee is a fiscal year 2022 recipient of a Creative Support for Organizations grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Miigwech, Pilamayaye, Thank you!